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Tea Time Talks – Eric Lee

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In June 1944, Britain’s Special Operations Executive (SOE) was tasked with coming up with a plan to kill Adolf Hitler. Different methods of assassination were considered, including the derailment and destruction of Hitler’s personal train by explosives, and also clandestine means such as slipping a tasteless poison into Hitler’s drinking and cooking water, or even the non-alcoholic beer he drank. Some of the ideas were seemingly quite mad, including one scheme to hypnotise Rudolf Hess and return him to Germany to kill Nazi leaders.

The Americans and Soviets had their own plans to kill Hitler too, including injecting female hormones into the Fuhrer’s vegetables which would cause his voice to rise and his moustache to fall out. When it was discovered that Hitler took a routine, solitary walk every morning to the tea house at his Alpine retreat near Berchtesgaden, a plan was hatched to assassinate Hitler using a single sniper — a plan that closely followed a popular novel and film from 1940.

In the end, none of the plans were carried out as British military leaders debated whether it would be more useful for an Allied victory for Hitler to be left alive.

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